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MOBTS Oceania 2024

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Beyond Linear: Using The Complexity Game For Teaching About Systems


Helen Parker | (
School of Management and Governance, UNSW Business School Australia
Orcid: 0000-0002-1781-8314

Jeremy Grace | (
AGSM, UNSW Australia

Keywords: Complex Systems, Complexity, Decision-making, Experiential Learning

Abstract: Teaching complexity is now considered vital in management education. However, most business courses, particularly at undergraduate level, focus on cause-and-effect analysis, logical argumentation and linear problem solving. As a result, business students often go out to work in increasingly volatile environments with little understanding of the unpredictable, non-linear nature of complex systems. In this fast-paced workshop, participants experience the Complexity Game - a large-group gamified approach to teaching organisational complexity to business students. Common types of systems from simple to complex are co-created and experienced by the workshop participants. At the game debrief, major system concepts are developed implications for business decision-making, effective management practice and pedagogical approaches for teaching complexity in business education are discussed.


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