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MOBTS Oceania 2024

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Knowledge Fragmentation of Marketing Schema By Digital Devices In Large Class


Takafumi Sakata | (
Chukyo University Japan

Takahiro Oono | (
Kanazawa Gakuin University Japan

Masaaki Takemura | (
Meiji University Japan
Orcid: 0000-0003-0489-2977

Keywords: marketing schema, knowledge fragmentation, Japanese university education

Abstract: The purposes of this study are to conceptualize marketing schema fragmentation within the large classes at Japanese universities and to discern any impending challenges likely to materialize in the near future as a result of this fragmentation. In this context, the term “marketing schema” refers to the implicit manner in which students organize information that encompasses their underlying premises, assumptions, and presuppositions. However, knowledge fragmentation, driven by the pervasive use of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, and PCs arises from students’ tendencies to accumulate information and knowledge through personalized and individual experiences. The excessive reliance on digital devices for individualized experiences potentially undermines the knowledge assumed to be imparted during large-class lectures. Our study examines the possible consequences of the diversity of experiences within these expansive class settings. Moreover, we contemplate whether these consequences might necessitate a comprehensive review of standard textbook lectures and a reevaluation of management education.


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