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MOBTS Oceania 2024

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Co-Creation As A “Crew”: How do Faculty Cultivate Creativity and Innovation Amid Study-Abroad Experiences


Bennett Cherry | (
California State University San Marcos United States

Keywords: study-abroad, creativity, group level, culture

Abstract: With the growth of faculty-led study abroad programs and the interest in business students to further develop their intercultural competencies, the time is ripe for a discussion of how faculty can cultivate creativity and innovation amid the short-term nature of such programs, while offering specific opportunities for the students to develop themselves personally and collectively, as a Crew. In this roundtable session, special attention will be paid to the construction of a “Crew Mentality” as a cultural mechanism for successful delivery of these programs to maximize the positive benefits and minimize the potential negative consequences. The main objective of this session is to provoke discussion about the value of faculty-led study abroad opportunities while overcoming fears or dispelling myths about what it’s like to be a faculty member who leads such a program.


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