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MOBTS Oceania 2024

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Transformational Leaders Who Teach: Their Impact On Students’ Well-Being and Learning.


Susan Geertshuis | (
Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland New Zealand

Audrea Warner | (
Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland New Zealand

Hanoku Bathula | (
Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland New Zealand

Keywords: Transformational teaching, Teacher leadership, Student well-being, Teacher-student relationships, Stress.

Abstract: This study delves into the concept of transformational teaching and its impact on students’ well-being and learning outcomes. While active teaching techniques have gained recognition, the transformative potential of educators remains relatively underexplored. Drawing parallels with transformational leadership in the organisational context, this pilot study examines whether transformational teaching can lead to improved performance and well-being in students. The research involves a sample of 44 postgraduate students, who were combining part-time studies with full-time employment. Initial findings indicate a positive correlation between transformational teaching and students’ reported gains in capabilities, along with reduced self-reported stress levels. This suggests that transformational teaching may create a supportive and motivating environment, potentially contributing to enhanced grades and active learning engagement. The study is interpreted as highlighting the importance of educators accommodating the external pressures student experience and emphasises the potential for transformational teaching in alleviating stress and fostering positive learning experiences.


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