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MOBTS Oceania 2024

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What’s So Special About Special Issues?


Stuart Middleton | (
University of Queensland Business School Australia
Orcid: 0000-0002-9418-8694

Ann Wallin | (
University of Queensland Business School Australia

Sandra Alday | (
University of Sydney Australia

Keywords: Special Issues, Management Education, Journal of Management Education

Abstract: What do privilege, experiential learning in large classes, mental health and psychological well-being, the hidden curriculum of responsibility, improvising as the new normal, the senses, positive perspectives, COVID-19, and scholarly impact have in common? They have all been the topic of Special Issues in management education journals since the beginning of 2022. In this period, one-third of the issues published in Journal of Management Education (JME), Management Learning (ML), and Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE). The aim of this roundtable provocation is to engage our audience in discussion on the topics of Special Issues in management education. Are they a signpost to a field which is short on ideas? Or are they symbolic of one which is exploring new terrains? What does the number of Special Issues mean for publishing in management education? What might be the career implications of this trend?


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