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MOBTS Oceania 2024

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Hacking Your Way Through Exhaustion and Burnout To ‘Live Your Best Teaching Experience’


Janis Wardrop | (
UNSW Business School Australia

Lynn Gribble | (
UNSW Business School Australia

Keywords: resilience, energy, motivation, burnout, hackathon

Abstract: Teaching can be a joyous and fulfilling experience, but it is also physically and emotionally draining at the best of times. As teaching workloads have increased with the rise of ‘mass’ higher education in countries like Australia, in conjunction with a publish or perish culture that permeates academe, the rate of exhaustion and burnout is a real phenomenon across the sector. For many the need to upskill and move teaching online during the COVID 19 pandemic was just the final straw. Starting from the premise that you can’t ‘live your best teaching experience’ if you are exhausted, worn down and burnt out, this hackathon provides an opportunity for participants to explore and share strategies and techniques to build resilience and re-charge your batteries so that you can ‘live your best teaching experience’.


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