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MOBTS Oceania 2024

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Cultivating A Digital Mindset Through The Acquisition of Digital Skills and Collegial Engagement


Cheryl White | (
University of the Sunshine Coast Australia
Orcid: 0000-0002-7945-0404

Keywords: Digital mindset, Digital Skills, Collegial engagement

Abstract: Rapid digital transformation in education requires educators to cultivate a digital mindset and digital skills, not just to drive change but also to thrive in schools. Equipped with digital capabilities, educators can effectively prepare students for the future workforce, improve teaching methodologies, and promote digital literacy. A research project with Queensland teachers highlights the urgency for developing digital skill sets and confidence in using technologies to enhance learning. It also emphasises the importance of collegial engagement and fostering attributes of a digital mindset. In a swiftly evolving digital landscape, these attributes are essential for educators to remain adaptable and current.


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