At-a-Glance Program
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
11:30am - 4:00pm
Conference Registration & Check-in (260-036)
12:00pm - 4:00pm
Crafting Developmental Reviews (260-036)
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Opening Reception & Remarks (260-036)
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Dinner on Your Own (260-036)
Thursday, 30 January 2025
8:00am - 5:00pm
Conference Registration & Check-in (260-036)
9:00am - 10:00am
Gamification in Organisational Behaviour Teaching: Motivation, Emotional Intelligence, and Group Dynamics (260-036)
Let’s Talk It Out: AI Digital Humans in Action for Real-World Assessments (260-201G)
Authentic Commitment or Greenwashing? Embedding SDGs to mobilise change (260-206)
Leadership-in-Action: A Recent Graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Adds Insights to a Collaboration Between Faculty from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Norwich University, and Northwestern Oklahoma State University (260-349 )
Can I Say That? Response to Reviewers’ Comments in SOTL Peer Review (260-481 )
10:15am - 11:15am
Teaching with heart: fostering kindness in management classrooms (260-036)
Job Crafting in Higher Education: Strategies for a fulfilling academic career (260-201G)
Using LEGO® Serious Play® to introduce unfamiliar business and management concepts in the Graduate classroom (260-349 )
Impact Through Innovation: Creating Engaging OB Simulations with Generative AI (260-481 )
11:30am - 12:30pm
Escape Room Spies: Can you save the sovereign data? (260-036)
Inside Out: Unpacking Emotions in Teamwork (260-201G)
ChatGPT as an Agency for Learning: Transforming Students Participation and Critical Thinking (260-206)
"Let’s Just Do It and Be Legends, Man": The Case of the (Disastrous) Fyre Festival (260-349 )
Creating impact with experiential learning: Use of immersive technologies to address business opportunities and challenges (260-481 )
12:30pm - 1:30pm
LUNCH (260.040B - Adjacent)
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Climate Negotiations in Action: A Learning Activity Engaging Stakeholders with C-ROADS Climate Change Policy Simulator (260-036)
Fostering Vulnerability in the Classroom: An Experiential Exercise (260-201G)
Pond-ering: Using a ‘Drawing a Duck’ exercise as a mechanism to surface and discuss key contextual, situating and shaping influences in undergraduate business students (260-206)
Designing and delivering management education to meet specific industry demands (260-349 )
Micro-expressions of care in higher education Creating an environment of care (260-481 )
2:30pm - 3:00pm
REFRESHMENT BREAK (260.040B - Adjacent)
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Meet the Journal Editors: Journal of Management Education & Management Teaching Review (260-036)
4:15pm - 5:15pm
Speed Dating to Expand Students’ Consideration Set for Self-Selected Groups (260-036)
A Simple Sheet of Paper (260-201G)
Transformative Change: Facilitating the Immunity to Change Framework (260-206)
More Than Assessment Resilience: Partnering with Students as Producers to Inspire Deep Learning and Teamwork in the Classroom and Beyond (260-349 )
5:30pm - 9:00pm
Dinner On Your Own (Auckland)
Friday, 31 January 2025
8:00am - 5:00pm
Conference Registration & Check-in (260-036)
9:00am - 10:00am
Escaping the Ordinary II: Blending the Virtual and Physical Worlds with Hybrid Escape Rooms (260-036)
Bridging the Reflective Gap: Aligning Academic Expectations with Student Practice (260-201G)
Developing critical thinking skills in an entrepreneurship course using a GenAI-assisted assessment task (260-206)
Roundtable Provocations: Navigating the Managerial Make-Believe World in Management and Organizational Behavior Education (260-349 )
Raising Future Leaders: Integrating AI and VR-based Learning in Business Education for Students (260-481 )
10:00am - 10:15am
REFRESHMENT BREAK (260.040B - Adjacent)
10:15am - 11:15am
Keep Learning While Feeling Stressed: An Analysis of the Stress Experiences of Non-Traditional Students in Online Learning (260-036)
Titanic Outcomes: Teaching Problem-Solving Skills in Execution Education using Historical Events (260-201G)
Experiential Learning in Action: Business Simulation in a Dedicated Financial Trading Lab to Teach Internationalization Strategies (260-206)
From Classroom to Boardroom: Developing Cultural Competence in International Business Negotiations (260-349 )
Innovate and Elevate: An Interactive Session on Repurposing Everyday Items for Undergraduate Business Students (260-481 )
11:30am - 12:30pm
My Story Reflection (260-036)
Tinkering with Toys: Using Tinkertoys to Cultivate Team-Based Creativity and Problem-Solving (260-201G)
“A Class Divided”: A lesson in Bias and Discrimination (260-206)
Breaking Barriers: Neurodiversity Inclusiveness in the Workplace (260-349 )
Developing students' networking skills efficacy (260-481 )
12:30pm - 1:30pm
LUNCH (260.040B - Adjacent)
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Game on! Using gamification to teach stakeholder collaboration (260-036)
Punishment for Good Behaviour in Business Schools: The Wellbeing of University Employees who are also Doctoral Students (260-201G)
Team Formation in an International Business Capstone Project (260-206)
“Seeing” and imagining with GenAI: An activity using GPT Vision in innovation management education (260-481 )
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Cultural Process in a Nutshell: A Simulation for Cross-Cultural Competence (Adapted BaFa' BaFa') (260-036)
Strengthening Well-Being and Resilience: Tools for Academic Professionals in Challenging Times (260-201G)
Navigating Challenges in Building a Sustainable Garment Business Employing Women from Refugee and Migrant Backgrounds (260-206)
“What’s the Tea?” Teaching Students the Art of Asking the Right Questions (260-349 )
LISTEN LEADERS! Active Listening as a Leadership Skill (Social Service Delivery Context) (260-481 )
4:15pm - 5:15pm
Name card activity as participant and course Icebreaker (260-036)
Experiential Learning Method Sampler: Taste Testing Engaged Learning Approaches (260-201G)
Throw some creativity at them! (260-206)
The Reason Why Active Learning Is Not Effective in Marketing Education in Japan (260-349 )
Interdisciplinary knowledge integration in sustainability development education - A student activity (260-481 )