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Discovering and learning to mitigate our primary saboteur’s impact on us effectively being with our students to facilitate their learning

KEYWORDS: Being with Students, Teacher Identity, Saboteurs, Learning-Centered Teaching

Effectively serving students' learning is dependent upon how well we know course content and who we are being in our relationships with students. Once we determine who to be, we must then become that person in our daily interactions with students. Saboteurs inhibit us from becoming who we wish to be. Saboteurs develop as part of the normal human development process during childhood when we, most often subconsciously, develop strategies to protect our self-worth. In this session, we will introduce the concept of a saboteur and help participants identify their primary saboteur and its impact on their relationships with students.


Matthew Eriksen
Providence College
United States

Kevin Cooper
Providence College
United States

Laura Nagel
Providence College
United States


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