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Sketchnoting for Critical Thinking and Learning
Most of us have enjoyed drawing as a means of expressing and representing ideas when we were children, but many of us have allowed our enthusiasm for drawing to wane or to be censored. Yet, drawing, sketching, and doodling are excellent ways to capture and portray information. How do we get back into it? Sketchnoting, which combines words and visuals, is an easy-to-learn visual note-taking methodology. It improves learning and retention of information, plus it improves critical thinking by assisting in the initial capture of information to supplement traditional linear note taking, consciously linking and integrating images with other materials. Come and learn how to incorporate sketchnoting in your day-to-day planning activities. Learn how to use, and how to teach others to use, sketchnoting, including how to develop drawing skills, how to build a personal visual library, and how to incorporate this approach in your courses and lectures.