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Virtual MOBTS 2021

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Creating Ambidextrous Courses: A New Way Forward

During this roundtable, we hope to foster curiosity and share ideas about the relevance and importance of creating ambidextrous courses. An ambidextrous course is intentionally designed to be taught in a variety of modalities (e.g., fully online, fully traditional face-to-face, or hybrid/blended). We will briefly present key characteristics of ambidextrous organizations and individuals and describe how those characteristics apply to the process of creating ambidextrous courses. We will dialogue with participants about their experiences and thoughts on potential benefits of ambidextrous courses and how ambidextrous courses may serve our future instructional needs as tradition meets technology in complex environments.

Janet McCollum
University of St. Thomas - Houston
United States

Catherine Barber
University of St. Thomas - Houston
United States


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