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Virtual MOBTS 2021

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Finding Relevance: Using Student-Constructed Essential Questions In The Classroom

Pressures of retaining students in higher education classrooms exist for many institutions. One of the reasons students leave college is because they do not see relevancy in their coursework. Learning activities that help students identify relevance and make connections between what they are learning and their personal goals and curiosities are needed in curriculum. One such activity is coaching students in constructing and reflecting on their own essential question. Unlike other problem-based methodologies where students are given a question or problem to address, essential questions are created by students and based on their own curiosity. The purpose of this session is to demonstrate the value of this learning activity by helping participants construct and reflect upon their own essential question. We will also share the process used and what we have learned from using essential questions with students.

Christine Blais
Southern NH university
United States

Beth Sheehan
Southern NH university
United States


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