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Virtual MOBTS 2021

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How Should A Leadership Practicum Course Be Designed?

This roundtable discussion would focus on how a practicum course in leadership should be designed and taught, both in a classroom setting and remotely. As with any practicum course, the intention of a leadership practicum course is to allow practical application of the leadership principles taught. To begin this roundtable discussion, we would engage participants in discussions around the following questions: What are the intended learning objectives of a leadership practicum course? What assessment activities should a leadership practicum course include? How can these learning objectives be achieved in a face-to-face course? How can they be achieved in an online course? Following these discussions, we would explain the structure for an asynchronous online leadership practicum course that we have used at our university. We would then seek participant feedback on how well this asynchronous course meets the learning objectives identified by participants at the session.

Scott Springer
Brigham Young University--Hawaii
United States

Ann Springer
Brigham Young University--Hawaii
United States


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