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MOBTS 2023: 50th Anniversary Conference

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Classroom as Organisation - if it's not 'pedagogy' - what is it?

Elyssebeth Leigh, University of Technology Sydney (Australia)

Keywords: Classroom as Organisation; action learnin;, pedagogy; andragogy; heutagogy

Abstract: The term 'pedagogy' seems to have been appropriated as a 'blanket term' to refer to educational practice in tertiary education. A problem with such appropriation is that way it can conceal underlying perceptions of what actually happens in academic teaching settings. Classroom as Organisation (CAO) is definitely not 'pedagogy' - by any definition. But what is it? The terms Andragogy and Heutagogy are likely to be more applicable when exploring how it works as a educational process. But what do they actually mean, and how can interested educators use a better understanding of each of these three terms help them engage with the educational implications of CAO as aa 21st century teaching/learning strategy? What are the implications for users of CAO? How can a better understanding of the three concepts help educational administrators and systems accept the practice as valid and viable when outcomes cannot [generally] be stated in advance? This roundtable session employs action learning principles to move through these questions in the sequence of 'observing' 'understanding' 'doing' and 'responsibility (AKA learn/reflect/plan/act).


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