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MOBTS 2023: 50th Anniversary Conference

MOBTS 2023 Proceedings »

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(HR) Manager in the Hot Seat: An Exercise to Practice Delivering (and Receiving) Performance Feedback

Natasha Johnson, Tennessee State University (United States)

Keywords: Experiential exercise, experiential learning, performance feedback, business communication, interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, problem-solving, emotional intelligence

Abstract: Performance conversations are a critical and necessary part of performance management. Feedback is most effective when it is constructive and when it involves a dialogue rather than a monologue, but people often struggle with this skill. This article explains an experiential exercise that applies a five-part process for performance feedback, appropriate for human resources, conflict management, and/or organizational behavior classes. Students identify performance-based issues, create a plan to address the issues, craft an email to their employee requesting a meeting, meet with and engage in a performance feedback conversation, and develop an improvement plan collaboratively with the employee. “Managers” and “employees” reflect on the effectiveness of the performance conversation. This five-part exercise can be used in an undergraduate- or graduate-level course. Recommendations for adopting the exercise to the online environment are included.


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