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International MOBTS 2022

International MOBTS 2022 Conference Proceedings - ISBN: 978-1-7346398-3-4 »

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Teaching entrepreneurship in the Metaverse: Design thinking for Finding opportunities

Keywords: Design Thinking, Metaverse, Student Engagement, Entrepreneurship

Abstract: Entrepreneurship education is fundamental in mentoring and guiding the development of successful entrepreneurs worldwide. However the pedagogy in which entrepreneurship has been taught and delivered needs re-evaluation and an update given the current advance of new interactive educational technologies- Metaverse. Metaverse in education has become the latest tool for engagement in the class and in distant learning. Yet how can it be adapted to entrepreneurial strategy and management pedagogy? In this session, we focus on the role of virtual reality tools as means to address engagement through sample tools and cases as applied to management. As part of the exercise, we provide a set of best practices for management educators in entrepreneurship to address and end with learning objectives and practical business implications.

Susan Stryker,  (United States)

Shalini Gopalkrishnan, Golden gate University (United States)


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