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International MOBTS 2023

International MOBTS 2023 Proceedings »

Teaching in the era of Transformers and AI

Shalini Gopalkrishnan, GGU (United States)

Keywords: AI, Reinvent education, Transformers

Abstract: Education is undergoing a tremendous change in the post COVID world. However, the pedagogy has not changed with AI tools that have been introduced. The recent one “ChatGPT” has created a furor and now everyone is wondering how to ensure that students are not using the tool to do the work. But the critical issue of how teaching is done and delivered needs re-evaluation and an update given the current advance of interactive educational technologies. Professors and a new generation of students in business schools require alternative teaching opportunities incorporating new technologies and new processes to create a real-time and relevant learning experience.

Transformers such as ChatGPT are changing how students are using resources to complete Homework. How can educators adapt themselves to help students learn In this session, we focus on the role of AI tools as means to address engagement through sample tools and cases as applied to management. As part of the exercise, we provide a set of best practices for management educators to address and end with learning objectives and practical business implications.


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