Q. Illustrate your commitment to MOBTS and management teaching with examples of your involvement in MOBTS-related activities, including but not limited to; Board/leadership roles, domestic and international MOBTS conferences, roles (author/publisher/editorial) within Journal of Management Education and Management Teaching review, as well as roles outside of MOBTS that have helped further management education.
I first attended and presented at the conference in 2014 and have attended and presented every year since. I was a member of the Early Educator class of 2015, so I am very familiar with the program and the great benefit in can provide. I want to give back so others can have that great experience. I am the 2020 Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society Conference Program Chair for the conference in Fort Wayne and thus have served on the board in this role since June 2019. I’ve published in the Journal of Management Education (Resource Reviews) and in Management Teaching Review (Experiential Exercises). I’ve reviewed for both journals and been on the groups involved in picking the best paper of the year for the journals. As a department chair I’ve helped faculty in the development of their own teaching skills and encouraged them to participate in the MOBTS Conference. I’ve also contributed to education locally through multiple presentations at local teaching conferences and events.
Q. What specific personal, professional, and/or technical qualities and experiences will you bring to the MOBTS Board of Directors?
As a department chair I have significant experience in helping the professional development of faculty related to teaching and other areas. I’ve taught courses in face-to-face, online, and hybrid formats at the undergraduate and master’s degree levels. I’ve taught courses that fall into the areas of Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Human Resource Development and Organizational Theory. So I have a broad range of teaching experiences. I am very active professionally on social media through LinkedIn, Twitter, and the I/O Psychology sub-Reddit (I am part of the moderation team). So I bring perspective on Higher Ed and organization outreach through social media. I will be joining the planning team for our university’s Leadership Academy this Fall and participated in it in the 18-19 school year, so I have knowledge related to how those kind of professional development programs function.
Q. The academic landscape is constantly changing. This not only impacts our institutions, but so too does it greatly impact not-for-profit organizations such as MOBTS. What issues and/or situations do you perceive to be on the horizon that MOBTS will have to assess and adapt to?
The nature of how course are taught I think will have big impact. We sometimes focus on face-to-face vs online but there a whole variety of hybrid formats that universities are using and experimenting with. This can be mostly online classes with monthly face to face meeting, 8 hour day face to face classes, highly self-directed classes and a whole range of others. These contexts will impact what activities can be used and the learning process. To serve all management educators who care about learning we’ll need to think about how we deliver and sort the content and knowledge MOBTS creates and distributes through its conference, journals, and other outreach.
We also are seeing greater variety of teaching roles such as adjuncts, continuing lecturers, course designers, grading assistants, multiple section overseers, consulting experts, and the often thought of tenure-track/tenured professors. If MOBTS is an organization for all educators in this field (and I think it should be!) we need to make sure we are providing opportunities and help for people across all these types.