MOBTS is now accepting nominations for its annual awards. Descriptions for each award can be found below. You can view past award winners at the MOBTS awards page. Only formal nominations using the nomination form linked below will be accepted. Self-nominations are accepted. Verbal and emailed nominations will not be considered. Respective award committees may only consider formally submitted nominations through the form linked below.

Awards seeking nominations:

  • David L. Bradford Outstanding Educator Award
  • Peter J. Frost Mentoring Award
  • New Educator Award
  • Mid-Career Distinguished Educator Award
  • Susan Herman Service Award

**Click here to submit a nomination for one of the above awards**. Please note that current board members are not eligible to be nominated for awards. Any such nominations will be removed from our system without follow-up. The submission deadline is Friday, February 12th.


David L. Bradford Outstanding Educator Award

The Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society’s highest annual award is The David L. Bradford Outstanding Educator Award.  It acknowledges one person or a teaching team with consistently demonstrated achievement over a lifetime, focusing on teaching and learning excellence.  These individuals have contributed substantially the Society and have impacted the field as a whole, with their innovations and ideas extending to a wide audience.  The award is named in honor of David L. Bradford, founder of our Society and a gifted and dedicated teacher.  It is the Society’s opportunity to recognize special individuals.


Peter J. Frost Mentoring Award

The Peter J. Frost Mentoring Award acknowledges an individual who has distinguished him or herself as not only a gifted teacher and scholar but also as someone who unselfishly imparts these gifts through his or her mentoring of students, colleagues and associates. This annual award recognizes the energy and dedication of a mentor who, through his/her willingness to provide advice, guidance, friendship and a supportive ear, furthers the development of current and future teachers, scholars, and mentors in the field of management and management education. By honoring the memory of Peter J. Frost, the Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society recognizes Peter’s outstanding leadership as the Society’s first Executive Director and first OB1, as well as his many contributions to good teaching and scholarship in the organizational sciences. Most importantly, this award demonstrates both the Society’s deep respect for an extraordinary mentor and the value that it places on the role of mentoring in good teaching and learning.


The recipient of this award should demonstrate the extraordinary qualities and values for which Peter J. Frost was appreciated and admired within his discipline. Those include:

  • A keen interest in people and an unselfish desire to facilitate their development
  • A demonstrated capacity to help others discover and nurture their gifts
  • A willingness to create—and derive pleasure from—learning-filled and respectful partnerships with others over time and across roles, interests, boundaries, and projects
  • A passion for learning and a commitment to creativity in teaching and scholarship
  • A sense of humor, caring, and humility in the work.


Nominations for this award should be submitted by individual(s) who can speak to the quality, characteristics, and outcomes of the relationship with the nominee. Nomination materials should include the following:

  • A simple description of the nominee’s involvement as a mentor and encouraging colleague to others in the organizational sciences. This might include formal roles or informal mentoring roles with junior colleagues, students, conference participants, and others
  • Examples or stories that illustrate values and behaviors consistent with the MOBTS and this award
  • Evidence that the nominee is a role model worthy of emulation for the quality of his/her mentoring, commitment to learning, and contributions to the preparation of teachers, scholars, and mentors
  • The nomination may also include letters of support or other evidence of the nominee’s qualifications


New Educator Award

The New Educator Award recognizes a person at an early career stage (up to five years after receiving the doctoral degree) who is an exceptional in-class instructor and educational innovator and who has shown cutting-edge promise and creativity in his or her teaching, conference presentations, or publishing in the area of management education. These individuals are emerging voices within the Society who promise to bring new ways of thinking about and practicing management education.


Mid-Career Distinguished Educator Award

The MCDEA recognizes mid-career faculty members who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in the broader domain of management education. Not only do these faculty members demonstrate individual teaching excellence, but through their leadership and vision they further the mission of excellence, visibility, and engagement in the management education field.

The award committee looks for evidence of:

  • Teaching innovation and excellence, which may be demonstrated by the development of new programs or classroom approaches, student evaluations and comments, and the receipt of teaching recognition or awards from the educator’s institution.
  • Service leadership in the domain of management education, which may be demonstrated through leadership roles and active participation in MOBTS, the management education divisions of the Academy of Management, and/or regional academies.
  • Active participation in the scholarship of teaching and learning, which may be demonstrated through teaching research and publication, the authoring of cases or textbooks, and editorial roles related to management education.

Individuals with 7 to 20 years of full-time teaching experience may be nominated.


Susan Herman Service Award

2020 marks the first time the Susan Herman Service Award is open for nominations from the membership. The Service Award recognizes voluntary contributions over a significant number of years to the Society by an individual or a team. Outstanding service above and beyond the call of duty is the highest possible demonstration of sharing in an organization such as ours and through this award we identify and thank those whose contributions represent the epitome of altruism, enthusiasm, and selflessness.

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