As presenters of accepted papers, please be aware of all of your options available:

  1. Should your session proposal be adequate to be provided in a virtual setting, you may simply convert your session to a virtual one, with no changes required.
  2. If your session requires edits to be adequate for a virtual setting, yet the premise of the proposal remains constant, you made amend the session as needed without further review of the proposal.
  3. Given that your session is already accepted, you may opt to roll your session over into MOBTS 2021 at Cal Poly Pomona. Your peer review will defer to your 2020 feedback. In this scenario, you will not present this session at vMOBTS.
  4. You may withdraw your session entirely, meaning you will not present at vMOBTS nor rollover your acceptance into MOBTS 2021.

We will also be reopening the Call for Papers given that this new virtual setting – and the current professional hurdles we are dealing with in academia – now opens the door for an entirely new focus of sessions, roundtable discussions, panels, and more. In addition, those that were not able to join us at Purdue Fort Wayne previously now can submit and join us at vMOBTS.

At least one presenter per paper must register by no later than May 22nd. Any paper with no action taken (no registrants and no notice of carry-over) will be assumed to have been withdrawn from our program.

You can review the Virtual Call for Papers for vMOBTS here: