Continuing Forward from the Success of vMOBTS 2020

The 48th Annual Conference of MOBTS will be a virtual event in June 2021.

Our Board of Directors considered a variety of options prior to deciding a virtual event was the way to proceed. We considered a smaller physical conference for those that were willing to attend and had funding to do so, as well as a hybrid or ‘two-stage’ conference where we’d live stream from a campus. Ultimately, we felt that it was not in the organization’s best interest nor the best interest of our members to partake in such a physical event given the unknowns that are still abound.

We had a tremendously successful vMOBTS 2020 this past June, one that we’ve still been receiving praise for with many having seen it as a benchmark for other virtual conferences to achieve. Even with that recent success, we believe there are areas we can strive to perform better in. For one, the conference program will seek to be expanded throughout the day and evening so as to allow for greater participation across events and to be as considerate for those that join us from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia given their time zones. We will also seek to further our social engagements (virtual Jim’s Place) and much more. The benefit of making this decision now is that it provides us ample time from the very start to build out the greatest virtual experience that we can for our attendees!

Cal Poly Pomona, who was to be our host in June 2021, has graciously offered to defer its conference hosting to June 2022. So we will still get to enjoy beautiful SoCal and the gorgeous Cal Poly campus before long!

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