Virtual Conference
Sponsored by Purdue University Fort Wayne
Virtual Call for Papers 2020

Submissions System Opens Monday, March 23rd
Submission Deadline is Monday, May 4th

Conference Dates: June 29 – July 2, 2020


If you already had a paper accepted into MOBTS upon the original pre-virtual Call for Papers, please click here for more information.

Teachers are often called on to be innovative in their classrooms. Our collaborations with others in our field, community and world help us to solve new problems and co-create new knowledge with our students. The need to be collaborative and try new things has become even more salient with the need to move online found across most universities during the time of COVID-19. We need to do new things and try new methods for the benefit of our students and our field in such times of upheaval. While we are responding in the short-term to keep things going as well as possible, in the longer term we need to learn and grow from these experiences. Reflecting on our experiences and sharing them is the best way to capture the lessons and innovation that will help all our teaching in the future. This virtual conference has the goals of helping management educators across the globe to share with each other our teaching experiences, exercises, successes and failure to help us all grow as educators. This focus on us all working together has lead to our theme for this conference that we hope all participants will embrace, ‘Innovate & Collaborate.’

The Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society encourages authors to foster a collaborative environment where management educators can engage in dialogue about their ideas, challenges, and best practices to facilitate effective teaching and learning experiences in all class formats face to face and online. As in any discipline, a reflection on past successes and failures can help us better understand what could be on the horizon for future innovations in the field and draw lessons from our experiences. Great ideas and innovation can come from educators across disciplines and experiences collaborating together.

With this in mind, MOBTS invites participants to submit a proposal to the virtual 2020 MOBTS conference sponsored by Purdue University Fort Wayne. We will continue our tradition of interactive and experiential sessions and encourage you to submit your proposals that share best practices in management education, encourage discussion and dialogue of relevant issues in management education, and/or facilitate effective teaching and learning. The virtual conference environment will allow an even greater variety of sessions and sharing while allowing more educators from across the globe to participate through our online Zoom interface. These can be in the form of interactive exercises or cases on a specific topic, round table discussion sessions that encourage dialogue about an issue in management education, or presentations of best practices in management education. Practices in all delivery formats, online, hybrid, or face to face are welcome for submission.

We are not asking that all proposals explicitly articulate a connection to the conference theme of Innovate & Collaborate; we simply want participants to focus on engaging in interactive dialogue that promotes effective practices in management education. However, we do encourage participants to consider submitting proposals that do purposefully address the theme of Innovate & Collaboratewhich we hope will result in a track of themed sessions at the conference. For example, Innovate & Collaborate focused submissions that may include the sessions that do the following:

  • Discuss how you’ve worked with others in your own university transitioning courses online
  • Share experiences of connecting with other faculty online in changing your own course design
  • How events like the COVID-19 pandemic have been used in your classroom as topics to help students learn and see the real world application of management concepts
  • Discuss multi-disciplinary projects that help student learning
  • Share how learning in management education can be helped by engagement with concepts and collaborators in fields like engineering, technology, and the humanities.
  • Create a forum for discussion of the impact of innovative technology in classroom and/or research collaboration
  • Share how collaborations with the community and industry partners can innovate classroom approaches
  • Present classroom exercises that have succeeded (or failed!) due to collaborative efforts
  • Generate dialogue around what classroom and pedagogical innovation is and how it has changed over time, as well as where it may be headed
  • Demonstrate tools that help educators navigate predicted future classroom challenges

We will seek to have Session Chairs/Discussants present in all virtual session rooms so as to assist session presenters in discussions, Q&A, etc. with virtual attendees.

Again, we hope that if your submission targets the Innovate & Collaborate theme that you will let us know that you would like to be a part of the themed track. But in the end, we want you to submit the ideas, exercises, cases, activities, discussions, and forums that you are passionate about and that you think will energize others as well. Sessions should be interactive and experiential and may be 30, 60, or 90 minutes long. They will all take places in a virtual Zoom format. All submissions are blind reviewed.